is ranked 494,973 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings, and visitors to this site spend roughly 44 seconds on each pageview and a total of two minutes on the site during each visit. Visitors to this site view an average of 1.3 unique pages per day, and has a bounce rate of approximately 70% (i.e., 70% of visits consist of only one pageview). Roughly 74% of the site's visitors are in Malaysia, where it has attained a traffic rank of 2,415.
Top Search Queries for
1 | teruskan germany | 26.06% |
2 | ganda10 | 10.91% |
3 | bayar cukai harta online | 9.16% |
4 | bayar cukai pintu | 7.28% |
5 | borang pindah hak milik | 7.23% |
6 | ucapan satu bulan ramadhan | 6.52% |
7 | ahli pasukan bola jerman | 6.37% |
Visitors by Country for
Malaysia 74.2%
Indonesia 7.8%
OTHER 17.9%
Indonesia 7.8%
OTHER 17.9%
P/S: Syukur..Minggu ini Ranking dah turun ke 494 973 berbandimg minggu sebelum ini iaitu 5100 000 ke atas Alexa traffic rankings Manakala kedudukan di malaysia ialah 2 415, manakala di indonesia 75,148
keep on blogging!